• Fees are invoiced monthly from Msgworks Ltd. on payment terms of fourteen days from date of invoice.
  • Fees do not cover the production cost of physical items (e.g. printed matter or exhibition material), nor of ancillary services provided by 3rd parties such as web hosting, software subscriptions that are specific to the client, video or photography. Any such charges for 3rd party costs will be agreed with the client in advance before proceeding.
  • Deposits: unfortunately most of our costs are upfront, so all work requires payment of a deposit before commencement. For websites this is 50% of the quoted cost. For all other work, 20% of the quoted cost.
  • Where travel expenses are charged, these will be for return travel by train on standard class rail fares, or mileage at £0.45/mile. No expenses will be incurred without the prior agreement of the client.
  • No work shall be published or distributed without written approval from the client. We regard all matters that are not for publication as confidential and our staff have confidentiality clauses in their contracts of employment.
  • Rights and ownership: all material produced for the client will become the property of the client upon payment. Msgworks will ensure that all digital assets used in the production of client material have correct rights
  • Workshops: fees include slides, handouts and workshop material for all attendees. They do not include the cost of room hire, facilities or refreshments which will be at there client’s expense.
  • The client will indemnify Msgworks if we suffer loss or damage arising out of the content of any material we issue with approval.


Terms and Conditions 1
Terms and Conditions 2
Terms and Conditions 3
Terms and Conditions 4